Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Within reason

Remember I told you last week (see Beyond reason) that I had one of those really frustrating situations with a couple who were convinced we had wrongly dispensed some Calcichew D3 Forte to them?

Well they came in today and asked to see me, so out I went with my ‘boxing gloves’ at the ready only to be met by a very apologetic pair who said they had gone home and had found the correct tub of calcichew that we had recently dispensed for them.

They then quietly asked if they could continue to get their prescriptions dispensed at the pharmacy since they said they had been ‘out of order the last time we spoke’.

I said that of course they could and thanked them for their apology. It made me feel good about the world today.


Blogger TiredRPh said...

Just about makes me pass out if a patient apoligizes! Run and get your tape recorder since you won't hear it for another year.

6:13 am  

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