Thursday, December 21, 2006

Agreement with GPs

The boxes of biscuits, cakes and sweets have started to pour in from the customers, which is really lovely of them but really horrible for my waist line.

We have just been talking to our local GP practices about how we will handle scripts that come in for Prednisolone EC during the current ‘manufacturers delay’.

The PCT did email a circular round to all GP practices and pharmacies to alert everyone of the shortage and suggested a number of options of how this could be handled.

After talking to our GPs we have come to the agreement that any scripts we get in for the EC version where we are unable to supply, that we will give the GP surgery a ring to check that it’s OK to substitute the plain tablets and mark the script ‘PC’ etc.

The GPs don’t want us to automatically change everyone over onto the plain tablets in case particular patients have had stomach problems in the past (yes I know there’s not much evidence for the value of EC tablets v plain tablets!).

In these cases the GPs plan to co-prescribe a H2 antagonist or PPI depending on the severity of the previous stomach complaint.

This makes slightly more work for us, but I’m happy about it because from a liability point of view I don’t want to be in the position where we alter a script and the patient experiences stomach problems (even though there is a dubious evidence-base).


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