Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Competitive edge

Recently I told you that there has been a change of ownership of a pharmacy in the town which has proved to be particularly advantageous for us in terms of swelling of new patient numbers.

The owner of the pharmacy where I work is naturally keen to encourage these patients to continue to use our service, but he is also aware that the new multiple is likely to be pretty aggressive in building its business back up so we have given a lot of thought to how we can really start to improve the business in order to combat this.

We have come up with a number of key strategies to do this which we aim to take forward over the coming months.

These include really pushing our collection service again; further developing the dosette box service and other services to support people who are struggling with their medicines; being 100% ready when the local GPs finally decide to implement repeat dispensing; starting to do MURs as soon as the new form is released; and improving the ongoing training of the counter staff. I’ll keep you informed of progress.


Blogger PRimage said...

Well done! You certainly seem to be ahead of the game in tailoring your pharmacy services to meet customer and patient needs: which means excellent PR potential

I have a specialist healthcare PR company, and have pharmacy client interests, so I regularly check-out your Blog comments - which I find very insightful. Keep up the good work!

9:57 am  

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